Holy and Beloved.

In the book of Colossians, at the end of chapter 2, Paul reasons with the church about identifying with practices that based themselves in arrogance and self glorification rather than in Christ. He specifically calls out “asceticism” which basically says that a person would be highly self disciplined or abstinent from certain practices/foods/drinks in order to appear above reproach for reasons that were not conviction but rather for piety or sens ...

Vigilance or Preservation.

I’ve heard and read the passage in Acts 16:16-38 of Paul and Silas being jailed many times. In my recollection, most of what I remember being discussed is how even in suffering Paul and Silas prayed and sang. I think there is GREAT testimony in that fact. Today when I read it again, I really focused on something different and I think it is the greatest miracle in the passage. To give you some background, Paul and Silas were presumably in the c ...

Faith Without Works.

My family and I are working our way through James in our family Bibile study. Last night we came across this passage of scripture and spent some time talking about it. We came to this simple conclusion. To say we have faith is easy... Talk can be cheap. However, to live as though we have faith is hard... it is not cheap. This is why people are some interested in action over talk. What we believe dictates our actions. You can work that backwards a ...