Before You Speak.

Do you ever sit and church and have a thought or idea that is in scripture that has nothing to do with the sermon that is being preached? This happens to me all the time... does that mean I should be paying more attention? Haha Anyway, this week we were in Nehemiah 2. In this passage, Nehemiah is in service to the Persian King and he is distraught about his people, Israel, being exposed without defenses to surrounding hostile kingdoms. He ente ...

Crumbling Platform.

Have you ever had one of those rants on your mind? You know the ones… the ones where you write and rewrite what you are going to blast to the world on social media; the ones where you have a few select people in mind when writing them and you can’t WAIT for them to be put into place by your intentional eloquent and ever so passive aggressive words. I recently had such a moment. I was moments away from pressing that “post” button, but then I ev ...