
Sex, Marriage, & Fairytales.

Typically, in our Learn section, we like to challenge and impart what God has taught us. Every so often though we will "outsource" (for lack of a better term) the lesson to someone outside of One Need. This is one of those times.... mostly because we do not possess the mad skills this guys does. To preface, if you are struggling with marriage like so many do, maybe, just maybe this ...

Practice in Prayer.

Do you guys struggle to pray? I know I do. The refreshing thing to me is that Jesus' closest friends also struggled with prayer. They saw Jesus perform mighty things that were always preceded by prayer and they would marvel at it. Sometimes I wonder if they were really interested in communicating with the Father or if they just wanted to do cool stuff... I digress. In Luke chapter ...


Sad. Tragic. Angry. Confusing. Apprehensive. Telling. Intolerant. Indignant. Hateful. These are some of the words that I have seen describe the state of individuals on Social Media surrounding the events in Charlottesville. What I have a witnessed is a call to stand against the hateful racist evil. What is unclear in the demands is the "how". What seems to me to be the consensus is ...

Stop telling me who to hate.

Listen, I know right now everyone thinks that have to have an opinion. That they have to make a statement. That they must condemn other people. In light of recent events, I can understand why many believers and nonbelievers feel this way. However, as believers, we must understand that evil in the world is not a new thing. Having enemies is not a new thing.  With that being said, I am ...

New Every Morning.

Have you ever been in a position where your spiritual life is "good"? You get in a rhythm of sorts... you read your Bible, you give, you attend church... you even paid it forward a few times at the Starbucks drive through. Heck, you even spent time praying!!! **Back Pat** Then a day/week/month comes that completely derails you. You find yourself in the muck of sin and realize that ...