Old for New.

The past month or two we have been singing a new song by Bethel Music called "Old for New". I really love this song because I love the picture it paints of the redeemed. I love how it shows God making beauty from ashes. I love how it puts to music how God takes a person that views the wickedness of the world and hates rightness, transforms that person into a "new creature" and then becomes a person that loves rightness and hates wickedness. It is ...

Yeah but why are you doing it?

Over and over again we hear God tell His people through the prophets to desire mercy, not sacrifice. I could list many scriptures where God says this very clearly. It is evident that God wants us to be merciful and He does not need our sacrifice. Last week I ran into this idea again while reading Hosea. Hosea 6:6 (ESV) - 6.) For I desire steadfast love and not sacrifice, the knowledge of God rather than burnt offerings. For some reason, as oft ...

Martyed Missionary’s Mansions.

I am very thankful that God has placed me in a position to work with people in need on a daily basis. By the time I talk to most of these people, they are at their wit's end. Their rent is overdue, the car payment is two months behind, and the unemployment has run out on them after three months, you get the picture right? Many of the people I work with are not believers. This group mainly talks about how tough life can be, and they try to thin ...

Grace, Are You There?

Where does grace start and end? Sometimes grace can be such a fickle and weird thing. One day we can just exude it from our skin... maybe the sun is shining, perhaps the coffee at Starbucks was exceptionally tasty, maybe our boss gave us a fantastic compliment... maybe it is just a good day and for us to show grace is easy. What about the other days? What about when you have a sinus infection, or it has been raining for eight days straight... ...