Need 23.31 – Recent Amputee In Need
We alert you today to a 55-year-old recent amputee who needs help with a housing transition. Complications from diabetes led to a bone infection in his foot last September, forcing doctors to amputate his leg just below the knee. He is drawing disability, which comes to $1,100/month. His current apartment costs $1,050/month, and it is not handicap accessible.
Working with local agencies, he has secured a new handicap-accessible apartment that will only cost $440 each month, which is a sustainable housing solution on his limited budget. In order to make the move to the new apartment, he needs a $700 security deposit, $440 for his first month’s rent, and $800 to hire a moving company. We want to help him by covering these expenses, totaling $1,940.
raised of a $1,940.00 goal