
Need 24.47 – School Bus Driver Suffering From Lymphoma

raised of a $1,860.00 goal
We alert you today to a school bus driver who is in need as she undergoes treatment for lymphoma. She has been on FLMA from the school district since February of this year and has been receiving chemotherapy four times per month as well as oral medication since March. She is nearing the end of her treatment plan and is hopeful that she can return to work in the next thirty days. She h ...

Need 24.46 – 13-Year-Old Girl Needs Counseling

raised of a $750.00 goal
We alert you today to a 13-year-old girl in need of mental health counseling. She is suffering from signs of depression and anxiety. Her parents recently divorced and are doing their best to care for their daughter. They reached out to us for help. We want to provide her with ten counseling sessions with our OneNeed Director of Mental Health, Natalie Bjerregaard. The cost for counseli ...

Need 24.45 – Single Woman In Need After Car Accident

raised of a $1,600.00 goal
We alert you today to a 37-year-old single woman in need after being injured in an auto accident. She has a strong work history as a delivery driver for the United States Postal Service. On June 10th, she suffered a broken wrist in a car accident. Doctors performed surgery to repair her wrist on July 2nd, and she returns to work on the 24th of this month. She has received paid time of ...

Need 24.44 – Young Family In Need After Father Is Laid Off

raised of a $1,600.00 goal
Today, we alert you to a young family in need after the father was laid off six weeks ago. He has a strong track record of providing for his wife and two-year-old daughter. His job was sent overseas by his company without warning. He has done his best to recover and started a new position yesterday. They have no family support and are in danger of losing their apartment. If evicted, t ...

Need 24.43 – Family of 5 Has Two Children in ICU At Same Time

raised of a $800.00 goal
We alert you today to a family that has had two of their children in the hospital ICU at the same time for different reasons. Last month, their son broke his leg. The injury caused life-threatening bleeding in his lungs. He was placed in the hospital ICU, where he would spend the next 37 days. During that time, their youngest child contracted a respiratory virus and was placed in the ...

Need 24.42 – Leg Brace For Little Girl

raised of a $1,390.00 goal
We alert you today of a single mom unwilling to give up on pursuing the best care for her daughter. Her daughter is a bright, amazing, tenacious 10-year-old girl born with some deformities in her foot and leg. As her little girl grew, the doctors determined that she would need to wear a brace on her leg at night to correct the issues. However, the night brace has not been enough to co ...