Need 24.56 – Family Rebuilding Their Life

We alert you today of a family that fought for the American Dream, accomplished it, lost it, and is ready to rebuild. The husband began a business in Europe that grew, so he moved it to the US 10 years ago. The company continued to grow, and their family thrived. Their two sons, who were 1 and 5 when they moved here, only know of their life in America. They are active in their community and church and have many dear friends. However, Covid caused a shift in his business and last year a vital contract was not renewed. They have survived the last year on the wife’s job, their savings, and by downsizing and eliminating any luxuries. The savings are now gone just months before his new contract begins. We want to provide them with $7500 to cover the cost of their rent and bills for the next three months to ensure his pay from the new contract is received.






raised of a $7,500.00 goal

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