Need 18.59 – Adopted Very Young And Now Granted 4 Year Scholarship To Prominent Private High School


We alert you today to a Need that we were involved with before in 2016.

It was Need Alert 16.31, and it was to help a then high school freshman girl that had been adopted at a young age. You can read the entire original Alert by clicking the link above.  She was awarded a scholarship to a private high school, and the mother could not afford the additional cost of field trips and other activities that go along with student life at the school. You, the One Need Network, were able to provide her with the $500 to participate like all of the other students in the extra activities for her freshman year. Last year, this same issue got resolved as resolved without a Need Alert. However, this year the student needs help with her junior year activity costs. She is doing well in school, and we want to help her again with the fees so that she can participate in the extra activities at her school during her junior year.






raised of a $500.00 goal