We alert you today of a 63-year-old woman that lost her apartment and everything in it last month. The fire left her with only the clothes on her back. Our local church partner has been working in the recovery effort. She is employed full time but did not have renters insurance. She has secured new housing and has begun to acquire essential items needed for daily life. Howeve ...
We alert you today to a 70-year-old man in need of significant dental work. However, before we fill you in on the details, we want to encourage you to follow us on social media. Just take a look at the bottom of this alert, and you will find icons for Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook. Click on them to follow us! Now back to the need at hand.
We have been working closely with ...
We alert you today of a mother of a five-month-old baby girl that is transitioning out of a domestic violence shelter. Before the shelter, she was living in her car after leaving the father of her young child. She is working very diligently to provide for herself and her daughter. Members of our local church partner are working with her directly, and she has secured housing and ...
We alert you today to a Need that is likely to be the last Need Alert of 2017. This family of five needs our help to get their nine-year-old son dental surgery. The three children are 9, 8, and 5 years old. The five-year-old was diagnosed with High-Grade Inoperable Brain Stem Cancer three years ago. As you can imagine, all of this family's time and resources have been devoted ...
We alert you today of a mother of three girls (14,11,9) that was abandoned by her husband last month. She partnered with her husband in providing half the income for the family by working 40 per week in healthcare for the past nine years. He left with no warning and has thrown her and the girl's lives into financial chaos. She has been unable to pay her rent, but the landlord ...
We alert you today to a very hard working single mother that needs our help. She worked 49 hours per week at her job that required her to work 13-hour shifts. Her family member let her down when they did not pick up her 2-year-old little girl up from daycare multiple times. The childcare facility did not report this because they know this mother and how hard she was working. ...