We alert you today of a single mother of two that has been forced to move out of two different rental homes in less than ten months. It all began when she was asked to vacate her rental home on 30 days notice because her landlord was selling the property. She made the move to rent from a friend and everything was fine until 9 months later when the friend/landlor ...
We alert you today of a refugee family that is deeply connected with one of our local church partners. The parents converted to Christianity from the Muslim faith. The mother/wife was attacked and beaten in their hometown in Pakistan for her faith. They are dedicated Christ followers and were able to secure a spot in a government-run program for refugees fleeing ...
We alert you today of a very hard working single mother that is short on her rent. This is really a case of her still being in the process of becoming financially stable. Eighteen months ago she worked her way out of Section 8 housing and has been financially steady up until recently. She works full-time and is also very involved in serving at one of our local c ...
We alert you today of a 60-year-old couple in need. The husband was the main provider when he was diagnosed with MS. As a result of his illness, the couple took a hit financially because he could not work as much as he had in the past. Then in April of this year, he was diagnosed with kidney cancer. He is currently totally unable to work and the family has been ...
We alert you today of a mother that is in need of securing stable housing. Her husband and the father of their children has been in legal trouble for some time and choose to go on the run rather than appear for his court date last month. After he left she began to look at their financial situation and realized he had not paid most of their bills in several month ...
We alert you today of a young woman that is in recovery from alcoholism and has been sober for 11 months. She is doing all right things and is working 40 hours per week. She does not have family to support her,but she does have a good support system in her life. She has been living in a flop house on the couch while she works to secure an apartment of her own.