
Single Mother fighting Stage 4 Colon Cancer – Need 17.54

raised of a $2,720.00 goal
Story We alert you today of a single mother, of a 13-year old daughter, that is fighting stage 4 colon cancer. In May of this year, she went to the doctor because she thought she was dealing with an ulcer. It tuned out to be stage 4 colon cancer. She underwent surgery to remove the tumor and while in surgery they discovered another tumor that they could not remove. Sh ...

Husband and Father of 3 Needs Help – Need 17.53 – Goal Met!

raised of a $1,325.00 goal
Story I was reminded this week by a pastor friend of mine that so much of what we do is to help those people "in the middle". These are the people that are not unstable enough to receive government benefits, but not financially secure enough to handle unforeseen events. That is certainly the case with today's Need Alert. We alert you today of a husband and father o ...

New College Student Needs Help One More Time – Need 17.52 – Goal Met!

raised of a $700.00 goal
Story We alert you today of a really hard working young woman that we have been walking alongside for some time now. Her family has been in and out of homelessness most of her life and she started college this summer. You may remember Need 17.38 where the One Need Community was able to help her get into her college apartment. Well, she got into her apartment, took sum ...

Single Mother Of Two Forced To Move – Need 17.51 – Goal Met!

raised of a $875.00 goal
Story We alert you today of a single mother of two that has been forced to move out of two different rental homes in less than ten months. It all began when she was asked to vacate her rental home on 30 days notice because her landlord was selling the property. She made the move to rent from a friend and everything was fine until 9 months later when the friend/landlor ...

Christian Converted Muslim Refugee Family – Need 17.50 – Goal Met!

raised of a $850.00 goal
Story We alert you today of a refugee family that is deeply connected with one of our local church partners. The parents converted to Christianity from the Muslim faith. The mother/wife was attacked and beaten in their hometown in Pakistan for her faith. They are dedicated Christ followers and were able to secure a spot in a government-run program for refugees fleeing ...

Hard Working Single Mother Short On Her Rent – Need 17.49a – Goal Met!

raised of a $450.00 goal
Story We alert you today of a very hard working single mother that is short on her rent. This is really a case of her still being in the process of becoming financially stable. Eighteen months ago she worked her way out of Section 8 housing and has been financially steady up until recently. She works full-time and is also very involved in serving at one of our local c ...