
10-Year-Old Down Syndrome Child – Need 17.42 – Goal Met!

raised of a $1,500.00 goal
Story We alert you today of a family of six that is in need. The couple's youngest child is a ten-year-old with Down Syndrome and two years ago he was diagnosed with Leukemia. He was really doing well and responding to treatment, then in early April of this year he began running a high fever. They spent then next 15 days in the hospital treating the symptoms of a very ...

Sheriff Deputy’s 1-Year-Old Son To Have Kidney Removed – Need 17.41 – Goal Met!

raised of a $1,850.00 goal
Story We alert you of a young family of four that is in need of help financially. They are actively involved with one of our local church partners and have been dealing with major health issues with their 1-year-old son since his birth. Recently, they incurred the expense of a trip from the Atlanta area to Washington, DC to see a specialist for their child's illness. ...

Young Deaf Man Needs Dental Work – Need 17.40 – Goal Met!

raised of a $2,075.00 goal
Story We alert you for the final time this week of a young man we have been work with through one of our local partners for some time now. This young man in need has been deaf since birth. He was born to a drug-addicted mother and never knew his father. He spent most of his young life in desperate poverty until he was rescued by DFCS at the age of 16. He suffers from ...

Recovering Heroin Addict In Need – Need 17.39 – Goal Met!

raised of a $400.00 goal
Story We alert you today of a young man that has made great strides in recovering from his heroin addiction. He has been working with our local partner for some time now and the director at the recovery center expressed to us that he is working harder for his recovery than almost anyone she has ever seen. He has made great progress and recently secured a much better a ...

College Student Needs Help – Need 17.38 – Goal Met!

raised of a $1,400.00 goal
Story We hope your Monday is off to a great start. We alert you today of a hard working, soon-to-be college student that needs some help. She has been the oldest child in a family that has repeatedly been in and out of homelessness. We have worked with her parents through our local church partner in an effort to keep the family stable for the past year. Even through t ...

Mother of 3, Terminal Pancreatic Cancer – Need 17.37 – Goal Met!

raised of a $2,970.00 goal
Story We alert you today of a 44-year-old wife and mother of three (ages 16,14,4) that is terminally ill with pancreatic cancer. She was diagnosed late last year and the family has been by her side for treatment for the past 6 months. She has now been moved to home hospice and the doctors say that she is expected to pass any day. Although the father works full time, y ...