
Need 24.31 – 36-Year-Old Husband/Father Suffering From Brain Tumor

raised of a $2,900.00 goal
We alert you today to a 36-year-old husband and father of three (16,9,3) who is suffering from a brain tumor. He has a strong work history of providing for his wife and children as a superintendent in a Navy shipyard. However, the brain tumor has rendered him unable to work. He does have some short-term disability income and PTO, but it is not enough to cover their monthly bills. Addi ...

Need 24.30 – Family In Need After Son Develops Neurological Disorder

raised of a $4,140.00 goal
We alert you today to a family in need after their 26-year-old son developed a functional neurological condition resulting in nonepileptic seizure events. The seizures cause paralysis, blindness, hearing loss, chronic pain, and severe memory loss. He was a fully independent and functioning young adult before this health event and now can not be left alone for any period. His mother an ...

Need 24.29 – Hard-Working Single Mom Recovering From Surgery

raised of a $1,600.00 goal
Today, we alert you to a hard-working single mom (boys - 12,18) who needs help as she recovers from surgery. For the past year, she has suffered from an illness that resulted in a total hysterectomy on April 8th. She has a strong work history and track record of providing for herself and her children. However, the surgery cost her over $6,500 upfront. She depleted her savings and with ...

Need 24.28 – Widow In Need

raised of a $2,200.00 goal
We alert you today of a family growing stronger in the middle of adversity. The husband and father was killed in a car wreck in November of last year. The family was in shock, and handling the news was difficult. However, they have pulled together in support of one another. The widow now raises her six children alone, ages 6-19. The oldest joined and now serves in the army, and the ot ...

Need 24.27 – 29-Year-Old Husband & Father of 3 Murdered

raised of a $4,630.00 goal
Before we get into the details of this need alert, this need is tragic and larger than normal. It will take us all doing what we can to meet the goal for this need. Please take a moment to pray for this family and share this need with others. We alert you today to a young widow in need after her husband was murdered in late February. A friend committed this horrific act of violenc ...

Need 24.26 – Mother and Baby Hospitalized For One Month

raised of a $1,500.00 goal
We alert you today to a young couple in need after childbirth complications with their first child. The young wife and mother gave bother to the couple's first child last month. The baby was struggling with respiratory complications and was admitted to the NICU. The mother was initially released from the hospital but returned a few days later with a severe infection that led to three ...