
Young Widow with 7 Children – Need 16.33 – Goal Met!

raised of a $875.00 goal
Story We alert you today of a young widow with 7 children in need of a little help. She lost her husband (the children's father) in January of 2014. One of the children is 23 years old and the others are all under the age of 15. She home schools all of the children and was recently given scholarships for some of them to attend the Timothy Ministry School at a local ch ...

Severely Abused Woman In Need Of Help – Need 16.32 – Goal Met!

raised of a $270.00 goal
Story Happy Monday! We alert you today of a woman in need of a little help fixing her 2001 Mazda Pick-Up Truck. Her ability to work was hindered by an abuser. He held her captive in her home for four hours while he beat her severely. She sustain many serious injuries including an orbital blowout fracture. She is trying to care for her 10 year old daughter and submi ...

Adopted Very Young And Now Granted 4 Year Scholarship To Prominent Private High School – Need 16.31 – Goal Met!

raised of a $500.00 goal
Story We alert you today of a very encouraging need. So many times the needs we are working with, and alert to you, are for people in crisis. Well today that is simply not the case. We are alerting you of a child that is thriving and has great opportunities in front of her. However, that is not how her life started out and if not for God working through one woman in p ...

Woman Cremated Her 42 Year Old Sister 2 Weeks Ago – Need 16.30 – Goal Met!

raised of a $350.00 goal
Story Happy Wednesday! We hope you had a wonderful Memorial Day Weekend and are off to a great start this week! We alert you today of a woman that lost her sister unexpectedly two weeks ago. Her sister was 42 years old and died suddenly of an aneurysm. This single mother in need was her only close relative as they lost both of their parents one year ago. The sis ...

Truck Driver in Major Accident – Need 16.29 – Goal Met!

raised of a $2,124.00 goal
Story We alert you today of a man that has been through some serious trials in the past 6 years. He was a full-time truck driver and member of one of our local church partners. He got a call 6 years ago while attending a baptism service at the church that his, newly married, son had passed away from a drug overdose. Just 2 years later his wife passed away from liver d ...

Mother of 2 boys,11 and 13 years old, Had Her Hours Cut in Half – Need 16.28 – Goal Met!

raised of a $976.00 goal
Story Happy Friday! We hope you are looking forward to a great weekend. We would like to alert you to a woman in need. She has worked 40 hours per week for many years to provide for her 2 boys who are 11 and 13 years old. Last month her hours were cut in half by her company. She has continued to work and look for a new job, but has not been able to fix the issue be ...