Good Morning.
We alert you today of a single mother that needs our help. She has been divorced from the father of her two children (14 and 16) for 8 years. She has had no real communication with the father for the past four years.
She has held steady employment for many years and in August of 2015 took a new position with a new company. In March of this ye ...
Good Afternoon.
We alert you today of a 60 year old woman in need. She and her husband have been members of one of our church partners for over 30 years. They have raised two children and have many grandchildren. This woman and her husband served their family faithfully for many years and they were looking forward to their retirement years with the children a ...
Good Morning.
We alert you today of a high school senior in need of a little help before she graduates in May. She, along with her father, have been members of one of our local church partner churches for 6 years.
She lost her mother in 2008 and her father is on disability due to neck and back issues. She has been accepted into Kennesaw State University in ...
Good Afternoon.
We alert you today of a single woman that has been thrown into a financial tailspin due to the death of her brother. This need was was brought to us from a member of one of our church partners. The two women work together at a middle school lunchroom and the church member has been sharing the gospel with this woman for a long time.
On Febru ...
Good Afternoon.
We alert you today of a single mother that is battling through sorrow and depression. She is a hairdresser and has a 4 year old daughter. She has suffered some heartache over the past several years and in early February she just simply broke down. She is a believer and God is working through her pain to pull her closer to Him.
In 2010 she l ...
Good Afternoon.
We alert you today of a single mother in need of help with her power bill. She and her 10 year old daughter were abandoned by the husband and father. In an effort to avoid his financial responsibility, the ex-husband and father left the country and fled to Costa Rica.
The mother and daughter were making ends meet until she was laid off from ...