Good Morning.
We alert you this morning of a man that needs a little help making ends meet this month. He is a construction worker that has run on some hard time after his employment agreement expired. He has secured employment going forward but is a little short on his rent.
He has lived in the same place for 5 years without issue and has reached out to o ...
Good Monday Morning! I hope you had an awesome weekend and are off to a great start today.
We alert you this morning of a very cool work that is being done at one of our local church partners. The local church partner has a thriving food pantry ministry. They feed many people and are constantly uncovering other needs as they build relationships wit hose that ...
We alert you of a family in need with this first Need Alert of 2016.
Before I get into the details of this need let me tell you about an enhancement to the Need Alerts that we are implementing stating with this alert. In the past we have asked you to do 3 things with every Need Alert. We have asked you to pray for the person in need and the Deeders receiving ...
Good Afternoon.
We alert you today of a family of three that is in need. They are new to the area of our local church partner and have found themselves in danger of being homeless.
The father was working day labor and after six days of working he was expecting a paycheck no the seventh day. It was at that point that he was not paid and still can not find t ...
Good Morning.
We alert you today of an opportunity to help a woman walk again. She has been unable to walk due to complications with her 28 year old prosthetic leg. Before we get into the details of this opportunity to help her walk again, let me tell you a little about her.
She is the full time care giver to her adult son that is wheel chair bound due to ...
Good Morning.
We alert you today of a family that is in need. This young married couple has a 6 year old daughter and one on the way. The mother is, six month pregnant, a full time Chiropractic Student and the father has lost his employment.
They make ends meet with a combination of student loans and employment. The issue is that the father has lost his em ...