
2015 – Once a Year Fundraising Campaign – Need 15.79

raised of a $15,000.00 goal
Story As a Deeder at One Need you are helping to serve The Church through your prayers, your advocacy for those in need, and your giving. Every time you receive a Need Alert from One Need you can be sure that it originated from a local church and there is a real connection being made between The Church and the person in need. Needs are simply ministry opportunities to ...

Father of 3 Laid Off, Mom Went To Work But They Need A Little Help – Need 15.78

raised of a $450.00 goal
Story Good Afternoon. We alert you today of a father of 3 that was laid off from his job several months ago. He has a very solid track record of employment for the past 15 years but has run on hard times. His gainful employment afforded his wife to stay home with the children. She has been able to find employment so the family does have some income coming in but it ...

Child Needs Bed – Need 15.77

raised of a $490.00 goal
Story Good Monday Afternoon. We alert you today of a young boy that does not have a bed. His mother works full time at Publix and his father is disabled. He was sleeping in a crib but his mother gave birth to his little brother in October and the baby has taken the crib. The mother thought she could handle a new bed but she had complications with her delivery an ...

Truck Driver Between Jobs and Working Odd Jobs – Need 15.76

raised of a $500.00 goal
Story Good Afternoon. We alert you today of a very hard working man in need. He has been in between truck driving jobs for quite a while now. He has been working odd construction jobs during this time to make ends meet. Due to the incredible amount of rain over the past few weeks in his part of the country, he has been unable to finish several jobs. That means he h ...

Single Mother of 4 Children Needs Help Catching Up – Need 15.75

raised of a $325.00 goal
Story Good Afternoon. We alert you this afternoon of a single mother of 4 children that needs a little help. She works 45 hours per week between 2 jobs and is still having a hard time making ends meet. She is only earning $8 per hour at each job and this is making it hard for her to get by. We are working with her to increase her income, but in the meantime we want ...

Church Plant Taking Public High School Football Team on Retreat – Need 15.74

raised of a $1,852.00 goal
Story Good Monday Morning. As you are aware all Need Alerts are different in nature. However, regardless of the nature of the need the mission remains the same, to reach the lost with the gospel and make disciples by teaching them all that Jesus commanded. This morning we have a really neat opportunity for you to help a newly planted church on that mission. This ...