
Desperate Immigrant from Cameroon Has Been Connected with a Local Church – Need 15.61

raised of a $1,500.00 goal
Story Good Morning. We are excited to share with you this incredible story of the local church intervening in the life of a man in it's community. As Christians we see needs everyday. This is a story of a one member of local church seeing the need of another man, becoming his advocate, and connecting with him in a life changing way. We are honored to play a role in ...

18 Year Old Girl With 4 Year Old Daughter In Need – Need 15.60

raised of a $600.00 goal
Story Happy Friday Morning! I think I told you that the Need Alert that went out Wednesday of this week would be the last one for the week. Ok, so I don't really "think" I told you that..I know I did. I should not make commitments like that because we never know what God has in store for us. Our hearts broke for this young girl this morning and even though we th ...

Pregnant Mom Let Go from Work, Firefighting Husband Injured on the Job, and Baby Born 3 Months Premature – Need 15.59

raised of a $2,000.00 goal
Story How is that for a Need Alert title? Seriously, the string of trials that this young family has faced could not be described in a short title. Good Morning! We are alerting you for the second, and last, time this week. This is a very detailed story that I will try to simplify the best I can while still serving each of you through telling their story accurately ...

Mother of Adopted 5 Year Old Girl in Need (Need 15.58)

raised of a $265.00 goal
Story Good Afternoon. We alert you today of woman in need. She is the adopted mother of a 5 year old little girl. She has been losing hours steadily at work for several months and will be losing her job completely on September 30th. We have connected her with our local church partner's area expert in the field of employment and staffing and hope to have her employe ...

Major Car Trouble Threatens Single Mother’s Stability – Need 15.57

raised of a $350.00 goal
Story Good Afternoon. We alert you today of a single mother that ran into major issues with her car last month. She experienced major engine failure and the repair bill was $1,800. She was able to make payment arrangements with the mechanic and currently has the use of her car. As you can imagine, the use of her car helps her keep everything together. She works 37 ...

Public School Football Team Bible Study – Need 15.56

raised of a $550.00 goal
Story Good Morning! We are really excited to alert you of this need. We partner with all types of local churches. One of our local church partners is a recent church plant. Evangelism and Benevolence have been a priority for this young pastor from day one of his church plant launch. This new church plant had their benevolence system in place before they had almos ...