
67 Year Old Woman Recovering From Being Hit By Car: Need 15.31 =Met

STATUS: 15 Deeders have responded and donated $400 (Updated 6.5.15 @1:40 pm) Story Happy Friday! We alert you today of a 67 year old woman that has almost completely recovered form being struck by a car. In Feburuary she was walking to her job at Publix and was struck by a car. She suffered a hip injury and has spent the past several months recovering. Her husb ...

Father of 4 Working through Complete Tear of Bicep Tendon: Need 15.30 = Met

STATUS: 10 Deeders have responded and donated $450. Need Met! (Updated 6.3.15 @4:25pm) Story Good Afternoon. We alert you today of a very steady and hard working father of 4. He has an employment background that includes 10 years of fire fighting and many other years in law enforcement. Several years ago he left those public service ...

Mother of 4 Trying to Recover after the Father Commits Suicide: Need 15.29 = Met

STATUS: 29 Deeders have responded and donated $1,400. We have met this need!  (updated on 6.3.15 @ 3:30pm) Story Good Morning. We are in the process of working with a family that is recovering form the devastating loss of their father. On Memorial Day 2012 the father jumped to his death from a bridge over a major interstate. He had battled with depression for m ...

Mother and Father Laid Off within 2 Weeks of Each Other: Need 15.28 = Met

STATUS = 4 Deeders have responded and donated $450.  Need overwhelmingly met within 4 minutes. Thanks be to God! (Updated on 5.29.15 at 10:58am) Story Happy Friday! We alert you today of a mother and father of 2 young boys that were laid off from their jobs within two weeks of each other. One Need and our church partner have been wor ...

1 Yr Old and 8 yr Old Need Beds: Need 15.27 = Met

STATUS: 9 Deeders, from 3 different states, have responded to this need and donated $350. This need is met! (updated 5.27.15 @ 6:35 am) Story Good Afternoon! We hope you had a great weekend and are off to a great start this week. We alert you today of 2 children in need of beds. They are the youngest of 6 children and have no father in the house. They are sleep ...

Single Mother of 2 Boys In Need: Need 15.26 = Met

STATUS: 12 Deeders from 4 different states have donated $613. (updated 5.22.15 @ 12:01 pm) Story Good Afternoon. We alert you today of a very hard working single mother in need. She attends a very wealthy, multi-location, nationally recognized church every Sunday. Her two boys are group leaders in the children's ministry at the church. She reached out to t ...