
Man Needs Short Term Help: Need 15.19 = Met

STATUS: 8 Deeders, from 2 different sates, and 6 different local churches have responded and raised $360. Need Met!  The funds for this need have been transferred to the local church partner to apply relief. (Updated 4.14.15 @9:38am) Story A local church partner has alerted us of a need.  The man in need operates a local produce stand ...

Boy’s Ranch in Need: Need 15.18 = Met

STATUS: 13 Deeders have responded, from 3 different states, and donated $955. The house parents have also raised $100.  Need Met! Funds were transferred to local church partner. (Updated 4.7.2015 @ 8:25am) Story Good Afternoon! We hope all of you had a great Easter Weekend and are off to a great start this week! We alert you tod ...

Single Mother Needs Hand Up: Need 15.17 = Met

STATUS = 11 Deeders, from 5 different states, and 8 different local churches, have responded and donated $850.  Funds have been transferred to local church partner and they are providing relief. (updated 4.3.15 @ 10:55am) Story Good Morning! We alert you this Good Friday of a single mother of two sons, 7 and 2 years old, in need of ...

Elderly Couple In Need Of Medications: Need 15.16 = Met

STATUS  = 1 Deeder Responded within 30 seconds and donated $60 for this need.  Need Met! (Updated on 4.1.15 @ 3:122pm) Story Good Afternoon! We alert you today of an elderly couple in need of their medications. Several factors, including a high gas bill from the winter, has left them in need of assitance with their medi ...

Single Mom Needs Tooth Extracted: Need 15.15 = Met

STATUS: 6 Deeders responded and donated $180. Several other Deeders emailed Rodney possible dental care options.  We were able to find a dentist and get her tooth extracted! The church partner has made a connection with her and her and paid the dentist. Her pain is gone! (updated 3.30.2015 @2:20pm) Story Good Morning. We alert you ...

Husband and Father in Need of Work: Need 15.14 = Met

STATUS = 4 Deeders responded with opportunities. (updated 3.19.2015 @ 1:40pm)   Story Good Afternoon!  We alert you today of a 64 year old husband and father in need of work. This former executive level leader in the construction field has been reduced to sleeping in his truck half of the nights over the last 4 months. His rel ...