
Single Mom’s Fresh Start: Need 14.58 = Met

STATUS: Met - 2 Deeders donated a living room suite and a bed for the son.  Our church partner delivered the items on 12/18. Good morning, We trust you are well and enjoying the Christmas season.  We were connected with a single Mom who has recently relocated to Georgia and is needing some final assistance getting established. ...


STATUS: 8 Deeders have responded and been connected to a families in need in their community (updated 12.15.2014 - 11:31pm) Story We are excited to alert you today about our Christmas matching event! Before we explain the details of this event we would like to take this opportunity to explain our philosophy on providing benevolence, incl ...

Widow Needs a Hand Up: Need 14.56 = Met

STATUS: 8 Deeders have responded and we have collected the entire amount. (updated 12.4.2014 - 11:10am) Story Good afternoon!  We alert you today of a widow in need.  As with all of our Need Alerts, this need originated through one of our church partners.  If God moves through you and the other Deeders of One Need to provid ...

Single Mom Needs Help with Home / Car: Need 14.55 = Met

STATUS: 2 Deeders have responded and we raised $650.  (Updated 12/31/14 @ 8:32am EST) Greetings again..!  We have one other need to alert you of today. We have been connected with a single Mom who is in need of assistance with her new home and a used car she recently purchased. Here is her story: Individual recently separated from her husband and moved herself and two daug ...

Two in Need of Employment: Need 14.54 = Met

STATUS: Met - 3 Deeders responded and we connected these individuals with job opportunities. Greetings everyone, We hope you are doing well and looking forward to a great Thanksgiving with your family and friends. We are reaching out to you today about two individuals who have been referred to us from a local church partner.  Both are in need of employment so we have combined thi ...

Widow Taking Guardianship of Two Grandsons : Need 14.53 = Met

STATUS = 10 Deeders responded and we collected $608.25. The church partner is taking the relief to the widow. (Update 9:35am EST - 11.20.14) Good Afternoon. We alert you today of a widow in need. This need, as with all needs from this point forward, was originated by one of our church partners. In July of 2013 she lost her husband to cancer.  Just three weeks later, she lost ...