
75 Year Old Widow in Need : Need 15.13 = Met

STATUS: 4 Deeders... from 3 different states... and 4 different churches...responded within 90 seconds and donated $505.90. The Deeders responded so quickly that they beat the system and over funded this need. We are transferring the total amount donated to the partner church and are going to work directly with them to address other financial issues she may be dealing with.  (Updat ...

Single Mother and her 5 Year Old Son Hit By Car: Need 15.12 = Met

STATUS = 15 Deeders, from 12 different churches, and 6 different states have responded and donated $1200.  This need is met.  The resources have been transferred to the local church for them to provide the relief.(Updated 3.4.2015 @12:19am EST) Story We alert you today of of a single mother and her son that ar ...

Certified Medical Assistant Licensure: Need 15.11 = Met

STATUS: 7 Deeders from 4 states and 6 different churches responded and donated $300. The 8th Deeder responded with a job opportunity! This need is MET!! (Updated 7:27pm on 2.25.15) Story We alert you today of a 49 year old Certified Medical Assistant in need of help getting her licensure reinstanted. On September 17th of 2013 she s ...

Woman Needs Mortgage Advice: Need 15.10 = Met

Status: 4 Deeders responded for 4 different churches offering help.  We have been able to connect these Deeders to the woman in need. (Updated @11;44am on 2.23.15) Story We alert you today of a single woman in need of mortgage advice. She has been through a very rough time financially and is struggling to keep her home from foreclosure. ...

Homeless Ministry in Need: Need 15.9 = Met

Status: 17 Deeders from, 12 different churches, and 5 different states responded and donated a total of $1,055. We were also able to connect them with a Deeder's Food Pantry.  They are now one of the ministries on their monthly distribution list. (Updated: 2.20.15 @ 9:00 am) Story We alert you today of a homeless ministry in need of som ...

Man with Broken Pelvis: Need 15.8 = Met

STATUS: 10 Deeders, in 3 different states, from 6 different churches, responded and donated $250.  Need Met!!  We are not transferring the resource to the local church so that they can connect with him. (Updated 2.12.2015 @ 4:58pm) Story Good Morning!  We alert you today of a man in need of some help paying a power bill. In November o ...