
Need Status Update: Need Alert 14.25 = Met!

We send the below need out last week.... Result: 6 Deeders responded. She is staying with a friend some and we have found and contacted her family through Deeder interaction.  We are working with her to get her help. Homeless 19 year old girl needs help - Need 14.25 Good Morning.  We hope you had a great Memorial Day Weekend.  We alert you this morning of a homeless 19 year old girl ...

Need Status Update: Need Alert 14.24 = Met!

We sent out the below Need Alert... Result: Many Deeders responded with donations and 2 Deeders responded to work with the family.  Deeders have paid $950 to fix a car problem that was causing major transpiration issues ands will save the family $300 per month.  She has secured a new home and all of the children are going to remain together and with her!!!! We were honored to help wi ...

Need Status Update: Need Alert 14.23 = Met!

The below alert went out the the One Need Deeders yesterday. RESULT: 4 Deeders responded and are taking groceries and clothes to the family.  1 Small group from a local church is visiting them, assessing any remaining ongoing needs, and including the family in their small group.  The Deeders also raised $685 in cash for the family. Children in Need of Clothes and Groceries - Need 14. ...

Need Status Update: Need Alert 14.22 = Met!

We posted the below need alert RESULT: The Deeders were able to raise $600 for this couple in need!! The Need Alert that was sent out last week is below: A Couple Has Lost Everything in a Fire - Need 14.22 Good Wednesday Afternoon, We alert you today of a couple that has lost everything due to fire.  They were living in a condo that they were leasing to own from a family member. ...

Need Status Update: Need Alert 14.21 = Met!

We sent the below Need Alert to the Deeders yesterday... RESULT: Need met! We raised the money and are applying it to her past due bills. Single Mother Robbed in Eustis, Florida - Need 14.21 We hope your #betweensundays is off to a great start! This morning we come to you with a very important but simple need.  We were alerted of this need through one of our church partners. As with ...

Need Status Update: Need Alert 14.20 = Met!

The following need alert went out yesterday morning... RESULT: You, the Deeders, raised $1,612 in one day!  We are going to pay off her title loan later this week!  Because she is already being supported by a women's group from a local church we will provide the resource to them to enable them to deliver the relief directly. Cancer Stricken Widow in Need of Car Title Loan Paid Of ...