
Need 23.12 – 38-Year-Old Single Mother Needs Financial Bridge

raised of a $1,700.00 goal
Today, we alert you to a 38-year-old single mother of a 16-year-old son who needs help after getting laid off twice in less than a year. She worked at the first company for over 14 years and was laid off 11 months ago. She found a new position, but unfortunately, she was let go once again last month. She secured new employment almost immediately, but she will not start for another wee ...

Need 23.11 – Foster Care Child Needs Trauma Counseling

raised of a $1,500.00 goal
A single mother has fostered two teenagers for six years. Even though both kids have aged out of the foster care system, she continues to support and care for them. One of the kids is now in college and working part-time, but she deals with severe bouts of depression and anxiety stemming from earlier trauma in her childhood. She knows that she needs counseling to mature as a healthy a ...

Need 23.10 – Mother/Grandmother Passed Away From Massive Stroke

raised of a $2,000.00 goal
We alert you today to a family that lost their mother (and grandmother) to a massive stroke last week. She lived on her own and suffered the stroke while she was alone. The fire department entered her apartment to find her on the floor, bleeding from her head. She was admitted to the hospital and passed away a few days after the stroke. Of course, this was unexpected, and she did not ...

Need 23.09 – 50-Year-Old Widow In Need

raised of a $1,000.00 goal
Today, we alert you to a 50-year-old widow who needs help getting through the month. Her husband of 20 years passed away 2 1/2 years ago from a heart attack. Nine months later, she was diagnosed with breast cancer. She has worked full-time for a statewide child support agency throughout this difficult season, providing for her two children who are 20 and 13 years old. (Her 20-year-old ...

Need 23.08 – 46-Year-Old Husband Hospitalized

raised of a $4,000.00 goal
Today, we alert you to a 46-year-old husband and father of two who has been hospitalized for the past month. Six years ago, he battled cancer into remission. Because of health concerns, he had to transition from being a tractor mechanic to working in the parts department. Recently, he began suffering from debilitating asthma-like symptoms and was admitted to the hospital. Doctors have ...

Need 23.07 – Treatment For Eating Disorder

raised of a $6,180.00 goal
We alert you today to a 23-year-old young woman who has been struggling with an eating disorder for several years. Although she has taken positive steps by working with a mental health professional and a nutritionist, everyone involved in her care agrees that she needs a higher level of treatment. She has an opportunity to enroll in a program designed to help women with eating disorde ...