We alert you today to a single mother and her young son who fled an abusive husband/father a few months ago. The mother spent the past seven and a half years as a stay-at-home mom. They left home with only the clothes on their backs, and she is finalizing the divorce in the next few weeks. She found employment to support her and her son in their new life together, but she spent everyt ...
Today, we alert you to a 69-year-old widow who needs help with a car repair. She receives social security but also works full-time to make ends meet each month. Several months ago, she had to get knee replacement surgery. The time she missed from work during her recovery took all the margin she had in her budget. She is fully recovered now and ready to work, but her car has transmissi ...
Today, we alert you to a wife and mother of three kids who is suffering greatly. Her husband has been out of work since November of 2021. On July 10th, 2022, he attempted to take his own life. He is currently in ICU with brain injuries, no short-term memory, and cannot stand or even sit up on his own. His long-term prognosis is uncertain, and he has no medical insurance. He controlled ...
We alert you today to a single mother of two girls (11,7) who suffered a broken orbital bone a few months ago at the hands of her boyfriend. The abusive boyfriend injured her when he brutally beat her in their home. He is in jail, and she could not work for several weeks. She is back to work now, trying to dig out of a financial hole. She needs $500 to catch up on her power and water ...
Today, we alert you to a single mother of three children (12,10,6) who is facing eviction. She has a long history of providing for herself and her children, with no support from the children's father. Additionally, one of her children has special needs and requires extensive care. She was laid off from work in February and remained out of work for six weeks with no unemployment benefi ...
We alert you today to a single mother of five who needs help with past due bills. She is a domestic abuse survivor and has recently finalized the divorce from her abusive husband. She is employed full-time with a cleaning company where she works hard to sustain herself and her children. Toward the end of May, she began to experience numbness in her lower extremities. Doctors discovere ...