We alert you today to a woman recovering from surgery who cannot return to her work as a hairstylist until August. In March, she suffered a fall at her church that left her with one severely sprained ankle and the other ankle badly broken. Her broken ankle required surgery last month. The doctors ordered her to stay off her feet until she could begin physical therapy in May. They told ...
We alert you today to a wife who is dealing with an alcoholic husband. The couple has been married for twenty years, and they have three children. Last year, the husband went through detox and rehabilitation for his alcohol addiction. He continued his sobriety through AA but returned to drinking late last year. On January 28th of this year, he lost his job. He once again entered rehab ...
Today, we alert you to a single mother of a 9-year-old little girl who needs help. In December of 2020, her husband left them with almost no explanation. They are still technically married as the divorce has taken a long time. She works more than full-time and relies on the father to help out each month to make ends meet. He recently lost his job for the third time this year and has f ...
We alert you today to a woman who underwent brain surgery and faced complications with her recovery. In November of 2020, she started having significant headaches and lost sight in her left eye. Doctors found that she had fluid on her brain, and they performed the needed surgery. During her recovery, she started suffering from severe pelvic pain. After several visits to the hospital, ...
Today, we alert you to a need brought to our attention by a church partner that has been ministering to a family of four. The husband and wife, along with their two children, are faithful members and servants in the church. The husband recently lost his job. He was promised severance pay but has yet to receive it. They are trying very hard to provide for their family. The husband is w ...
We alert you today to a mother who needs grief counseling. Her son was murdered in early March of this year. Since the tragic event, she has not been functioning very well. Her husband reached out to one of our local church partners for help. She has agreed to attend counseling sessions. We want to cover the cost of ten sessions with our One Need Mental Health Team. ...