
Need 21.62 – 73-Year-Old Injured Woman Needs Help

raised of a $3,400.00 goal
Today, we alert you to a 73-year-old single woman who fell in the parking lot of her apartment complex a few weeks ago, shattering two bones in her foot. She receives social security which covers some expenses and holds a job to pay other bills each month. She has worked as a receptionist in an assisted living facility for a long time where she answers the phone and occasionally shows ...

Need 21.61 – Recently Widowed Father of Two In Need

raised of a $750.00 goal
Today, we alert you to a recently widowed father of two little girls (10,5) who need support. The wife/mother suffered from diabetes and heart disease and spent the last months of her life disabled. The father tried to keep things together for the family financially during her illness, but ultimately they were evicted from their home while the mother was in the hospital. She passed aw ...

Need 21.60 – Recently Widowed Woman Needs Financial Bridge

raised of a $3,200.00 goal
We alert you today to a woman who lost her husband of 30 years in early August. They both worked and were financially stable, but the loss of income resulting from her husband’s passing has created a severe financial crisis. She is working to begin receiving his social security benefits and half of his military retirement, but the process is delayed due to some internal errors. He als ...

Need 21.59 – Transportation For Dialysis Treatments

raised of a $1,050.00 goal
We alert you today to a 53-year-old vision-impaired man who is suffering from renal failure. He spent his career working for the federal government. When his vision deteriorated, he was put on disability and eventually forced out of work. Since then, his income has been drastically reduced. This man has a pension, but he cannot access it for several more years. His wife works full- ...

Need 21.58 – Mother of 4 Fled Domestic Violence

raised of a $3,000.00 goal
Today, we alert you to a mother of four (7,5,3,1) who fled an eight-year domestic violence environment one week ago. She tried everything she could to protect herself and her children. She filed many police reports and was even granted a protective order for a while. Her words to me were, "I can't understand why he gets away with it." The violence toward her and her children became so ...

Need 21.57 – Single Woman Needs Two Weeks of Help

raised of a $610.00 goal
We alert you to a single woman who needs help getting through the next two weeks. Three weeks ago, upper management at the company where she worked informed her entire team that they would no longer be employed as of the end of the day. They were all laid off without any severance pay. In years gone by, she could apply for unemployment and expect timely short-term assistance, but sinc ...