For the last time this week, we alert you to a family of four that needs help with their rent. The mother works full-time as an account manager, and the father is a social worker for a company that works with the Division of Family and Children Services (DFCS). The children are 15 and 11, and the parents have a long history of employment and providing for their children. During the pa ...
We alert you to a 46-year-old woman suffering from two types of severe epilepsy and lupus who needs help. She is totally disabled and requires a caregiver for daily tasks since she cannot drive on her own. Due to her fixed income, she needs affordable housing. Several years ago, her apartment rent increased above what she could afford, so she moved in with a family and rented a room. ...
We alert you today to a 22-year-old young woman caring for her 5-year-old autistic brother after losing their mother to cancer. Before she passed away, the mother worked day shifts while the daughter worked nights to make sure that the little brother had childcare. In February, the mother began having severe leg pains. Doctors discovered she had stage 4 metastatic breast cancer along ...
Today, we alert you to a father of a family of five who suffered an injury last month. He and his family are members of one of our local church partners. He is the sole provider for his wife and three children (11,14,17). On his way to work last month, one of the tires on his truck went flat. He pulled over to change the tire, and when he picked up the flat tire, he suffered a complet ...
Today, we alert you to a single mother of two (2,3) who needs help with her rent. She is completely alone with no child support from the father and no other family to fall back on for help. She lost her job as a result of her employer’s business slowing down through the shutdowns. She received some unemployment assistance and used her savings to make ends meet for several months. She ...
We start the week by alerting you to a single mother of two (7,3) who just lost her job. The children's father who is required to pay child support has neglected to do so for the past three months. Last month, her three-year-old child had two potty training accidents in the same week at their daycare facility, and because of a standing policy, the child had to stay home for a full wee ...