We alert you today to a retired Army Chaplain that needs help saving his home. He serves in the children's ministry and also teaches a group at his local church. He has spent his post Amry career working in the IT field and has lived in the same home for 17 years. He was laid off last year and started a new job this week. During the lapse of employment, he tried to keep everything tog ...
We alert you today to a 34-year-old single woman that lost her job several months ago. She has a stable work history, but the company restructured and eliminated her position. She immediately found employment, but it was at a much lower level than she typically worked. Although she worked 40 hours per week at the lower-level job, she continued to get behind on her bills. She is also s ...
We alert you today to an unfortunate situation. On January 9th, a husband and father of three (15, 8, 6) suffered burns on 60% of his body. He is a professional auto painter and was working an extra job painting a car after hours when there was an explosion. He was flown by helicopter to the premier trauma center in his area. There he was put into an induced coma for ten days and unde ...
We alert you to a family that needs help with part of their rent and getting the husband's work truck repaired. One year ago, the husband left employment with a window washing company and started his own business. His new company power washes, cleans gutters, and other services homeowners need regularly. The mother works 30 hours per week teaching at a daycare. Three weeks ago, the wi ...
We alert you to a family that took in another family that was homeless. The homeless family includes a grandmother, husband, wife, and children. The homeless family husband is now working with the providing family husband and should be earning his first paycheck soon. This will help stabilize the situation financially. However, right now the added financial strain has left the providi ...
We alert you today to a single mother of three that lost her second job. In addition to holding down two positions to make ends meet, she is also in nursing school on the weekends to become a registered nurse. In her free time, she sings in her church choir and volunteers at her local church. The loss of her second job has left her short on her rent. She has an excellent lead on a new ...