We alert you today to a mother that is the victim of domestic violence. She was forced to file a temporary protective order against her husband when he became physically abusive. She works full time, is six months pregnant, and has a two-year-old. The husband refused to help with childcare last month, and the mother was forced to use her rent money to pay for childcare so she could ke ...
We alert you to a single mother of two children, one of which is special needs, that needs a water heater. She was laid off from her job in September after four years of service. She is making ends meet, with unemployment and savings, and has secured new employment. We are working with her to help her rework her mortgage, and she is a few weeks from a regular paycheck and stability. H ...
If you have ever had tooth pain, you know how debilitating it can be. We alert you today to a man that needs an abscessed tooth extracted. He has tried a simple extraction, but his body reacts to the procedure, and his blood pressure bottoms out. They have tried twice, and the dentist has had to stop. The result is that he needs to see an oral surgeon, and the cost for the extraction ...
We alert you today to a mother of four girls, that has been hospitalized for months, and is looking at a long road of recovery. She was due to deliver the family's fourth daughter on Thanksgiving. In August, she suffered from symptoms of the mono virus. That virus triggered an autoimmune disease called Gillian-Barre that hospitalized her on September 22nd. Gillian-Barre attacked the n ...
We alert you today to a woman that sustained a severe shoulder injury from a car accident. She drives over 1000 miles per week for her work, and the injury required surgery. This unfortunate event has left her unable to work, and her short-term disability coverage is slow to come in to sustain her. She is now behind on her rent and utilities by $970. We want to help her get caught up ...
We alert you to a 59-year-old single woman that has been fighting cancer for several years and is weeks away from losing her home to foreclosure. This Need Alert is significantly larger than most, and it will require all of us to meet it. In addition to giving to this woman in need, I am asking you to make a concentrated effort to stop what you are doing and pray for her healing. She ...