
Need 19.57 – Son Supporting Mother

raised of a $500.00 goal
We alert you to a young man that has been supporting his mother through open-heart surgery and now finds himself in need. The mother is in England, the son works two jobs here in the states, and is connected to one of our local church partners through a small group. His mother became ill eight months ago, and he has been supporting her financially through her illness. He has downsized ...

Need 19.56 – Single Mother Of Two College Kids In Need

raised of a $550.00 goal
We alert you today to a single mother of two college kids that needs help. Her marriage of twenty years ended five years ago. The father left and started a new family. The father promised to help their two children get started in college but backed two weeks before the kids were to start school. This decision left the mother and children scrambling to make things work. In the end, bot ...

Need 19.55 – Help With Gas Bill

raised of a $350.00 goal
We alert you to a family that needs help with their gas bill. They are a family of two biological children (2, 6) and one adopted child (17). The mother is working two jobs to make ends meet. The father is a contract welder and has been out of work for several weeks. He secured work and but they are behind on their gas bill. They need $350 to pay the late bill, or their gas will be tu ...

Need 19.54 – Child Struggling With Anxiety

raised of a $300.00 goal
We alert you today to a family that is trying to help their child that is suffering from anxiety. They have been working with their pediatrician for over three years, and the boy has gotten to the point that attending school is becoming too much. Working with their doctor, they have identified a psychiatrist that they feel like is the next step in their search to help their son. The i ...

Need 19.53 – Single Father of 2 Girls Laid Off From Work

raised of a $1,900.00 goal
We alert you today to a single father of two girls (11,3) that was laid off from his job with a paving company in late June. He immediately began searching for a new job in his field and also fell back on his prior profession of training athletes. He has been able to scrape by for the past few months during the job search and has secured a new job with another paving company. He start ...

Need 19.52 -Moved One State Away For Employment

raised of a $650.00 goal
We alert you, for the last time this week, to a single mother of two boys that lost her job in her employment a few weeks ago. She secured new work immediately and starts on Monday. The issue is that new employment is one state away. She did not have a great deal of savings but has picked up her life and moved to the town with the work. She is such a brave, dedicated mother and a hard ...