
Need 19.73 – Single Mother of 5 Being Evicted

raised of a $1,890.00 goal
We alert you today to a single mother of five (17, 13, 11, 5, 10 months) that is being evicted. She lost her job earlier this year and struggled to find new employment. They were evicted from their rental home this summer after living there for five years. Over the summer, the oldest child was able to work, and she helped them get into the apartment they are living in now.  The mother ...

Need 19.72 – 73-Year-Old Widow Needs Hearing Aids

raised of a $3,500.00 goal
We alert you today, for the last time this week, to a 73-year-old widow that needs hearing aids. We have been tracking with her for several months since she sustained a nasty fall, which resulted in significant injuries, including head trauma. The head trauma has resulted in hearing loss, and you may remember Need Alert 19.59 where you, the One Need Network, provided her with new tire ...

Need 19.71 – Father of Three Between Jobs

raised of a $1,200.00 goal
We alert you to a father of three (10, 5, 9months) that was laid of from his job in mid-September. He is working a new job and also trying to get back on with the company that laid him off. He was without work for three weeks and is currently making less money at his new job. We are confident that he will be able to get back on with his old company in the coming weeks, but for now, th ...

Need 19.70 – Mother of 4 Fighting Cancer

raised of a $10,029.00 goal
We alert you today to a mother of four that was diagnosed with tongue cancer on August 5th of this year. She works full-time in ministry at a local church, along with her husband. She had significant reconstructive surgery not only to remove cancer but also to rebuild her tongue. Currently, she and her husband are traveling weekly from their home to MD Anderson in Houston, TX, to rece ...

Need 19.69 – Ray Is Working Himself Out of Homelessness

raised of a $1,850.00 goal
If you have been getting our Need Alerts for any amount of time, you know that we work with local churches to support their benevolence ministries. When appropriate, we raise money to provide relief for those in need through Need Alerts just like this. Need Alerts are always anonymously written, and we do not identify the person you are helping. Well, today is different. Meet Ray. ...

Need 19.68 – Single Mother Of Two Forced From Her Home

raised of a $1,400.00 goal
We alert you to a single mother of two boys that is in a housing crisis. Several years ago, she lost her children to the state due to her substance abuse. She has been sober for over two years now and for the past year, has been renting a section of a man's home. There she lives with her two boys (6,5). The boys play in the local baseball league, and she maintains a full-time job work ...