We alert you today to a family that is trying to help their child that is suffering from anxiety. They have been working with their pediatrician for over three years, and the boy has gotten to the point that attending school is becoming too much. Working with their doctor, they have identified a psychiatrist that they feel like is the next step in their search to help their son. The i ...
We alert you today to a single father of two girls (11,3) that was laid off from his job with a paving company in late June. He immediately began searching for a new job in his field and also fell back on his prior profession of training athletes. He has been able to scrape by for the past few months during the job search and has secured a new job with another paving company. He start ...
We alert you, for the last time this week, to a single mother of two boys that lost her job in her employment a few weeks ago. She secured new work immediately and starts on Monday. The issue is that new employment is one state away. She did not have a great deal of savings but has picked up her life and moved to the town with the work. She is such a brave, dedicated mother and a hard ...
We alert you to a single mother of three children, with no child support, that needs help with her rent. She has a long history of work and providing for herself and her children. She had to have unexpected major repairs (head gasket) done to her 2016 car last month. She spent the $900 on the repairs and a rental car because she was not willing to miss work. That was the exact right m ...
We alert you today to a single woman that has lost her home in a fire. Her house burned completely down on August 28th. She did not have renter's insurance, and she lost everything she had in the fire except her car and her dog. She is a professional salesperson and has a stable work history as an independent contractor. She has been spending her savings living in short term housing a ...
I hope everyone is gearing up for a fun holiday weekend. Before we head into the weekend, we have one more Need Alert. We alert you, for the last time this week, to a woman that is recovering from cancer and is in need. She works as a researcher for the CDC and was forced to take unpaid leave from her work due to hospital stays relayed to her cancer and her lupus. She recently was abl ...