We alert you today to a missionary in need of physical therapy. The husband and wife recently returned from long-term missionary work in Romania. They have been in ministry for over twenty years, and the wife is currently teaching while the husband manages a restaurant. They have a long history of supporting themselves and their ministry work but recently have run into a snag. While o ...
I hope each of you had a beautiful Easter Sunday celebrating the resurrection of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. It is our prayer that this will be a week of rejuvenation for the church body as a whole and that the hearts and minds of every believer will be encouraged to seek God, love one another well, and share the gospel with the world.
We alert you today to a 22-year-old sin ...
We alert you today to a young Navy family that is in need. The couple has three young children ages 6, 5, and 2. The husband and father is a dedicated worker but ran into employment problems over the past year. He enlisted into the Navy and left for boot camp on April 2nd. They were cutting it very close financially but anticipated getting their first paycheck on April 15th. Processin ...
We alert you today to a single mother of two young children that needs help. She had her second daughter on April 4th, and the baby was sent to NICU and required major surgery. Her husband left her during her pregnancy, and she is on her own trying to keep everything together with a three-year-old and a newborn. She has a stable work history, but her husband's neglect combined with he ...
We alert you today to a single grandmother that needs help this month. She lost her mother three years ago and, while working full-time, she is also the caretaker for her father that is on dialysis three times per week. Her budget is very tight. Recently her 21-year-old son had a baby with his girlfriend and then lost his job. The son was forced to move in with her. She is a very hard ...
We alert you this morning to a single woman in her early 50's that is battling breast cancer. She is a painter and has a long history of providing for herself. In September of 2018, she fell off a ladder while working and shattered both wrists. She was out of work for several months but was able to keep things together. In January of this year, she was diagnosed with breast cancer. Sh ...