We alert you, for the first time in 2019, to a husband and father that has been out of work for six weeks. He has a consistent history of working and providing for his wife and 5-year-old son. He has type 1 diabetes and sustained an injury to his foot several months ago. His job as a technician requires him to be on his feet all day. Because he is committed to providing for his family ...
We alert you, most likely for the last time in 2018, to a family of five that is in need. The father works as an auto body technician, and the mother is a Registered Nurse. On November 30th the father's father died suddenly of an abdominal aortic aneurysm. The father asked his boss for one week off to help comfort his mother. He had worked with the same company for nine years, and the ...
We alert you to a single man that has been hospitalized for several weeks due to, at its root, mental illness. At the time of the hospitalization, he was already low on personal time off. As a result, he has missed two paychecks. He was already living paycheck to paycheck and now finds himself in a financial crisis. He does not have a family to rely on and is in danger of losing his a ...
We alert you, for the last time this week, to a family that is in need because they fell victim to a house rental scam on Craigslist. The family of five (kids are 9,6,4) moved from one state to another so that the husband could attend school to earn his CDL and begin his career driving commercial trucks. They found housing on Craigslist. They visited the rental home and gave the man, ...
We alert you today to a mother and her four young children that are in urgent need. I can tell you that this Need Alert will most likely be the first of two that are sent out for this family. The mother is active in one of our local church partners and a stay at home mother to her four children ages 8, 4, 4, 2. Several weeks ago she learned that her husband was gambling and had lost n ...
We alert you today to a 25-year-old young professional that is at risk of becoming homeless. She was raised in and out of homelessness by a mother and father that both battled debilitating drug addiction. She has not seen her father in years, and she now cares for both her 18-year-old brother and her mother that is mentally ill. Although she works a full-time professional job, she is ...