We alert you today to an Air Force Veteran that is working his way out of a homeless shelter. He has been working consistently and is now ready to move into an apartment. His credit is damaged, and as a result, the fees to secure an apartment with utilities is very high. He needs first and last month rent plus an additional months deposit for the housing (so basically three mon ...
We alert you today to a mother and three children (15, 12, 8) that have been physically abused by the husband/father for many years and are in need of our support. Several months ago the father was finally arrested and jailed for the abuse. On the guidance of Family and Children Services, the wife obtained a protective order against the abusive man. Since the incident, she has ...
We alert you today to a wife and mother of a 5-year-old boy that is working to save her marriage. She discovered last month that her husband had been unfaithful. She is an active member and servant at her local church and feels that she should work to save her marriage at any cost. The husband is also actively participating in the process. She is a small business owner, and the ...
We alert you today to a single father of a three-year-old son that is in need. The father typically works over forty hours per week at a local hospital and has a history of providing for himself and his son. Earlier this year his son began having seizures. The father has been forced to miss a great deal of time at work to care for his son and make sure he is at his appointments ...
We alert you today to a grandmother and granddaughter that lost their home in a fire last week. The grandmother has custody of and cares fulltime for her 10-year-old granddaughter. One week ago someone that argued with the grandmother's son burned the grandmother's home to the ground. They already live at the poverty line, and they do not have the resources to stay in a hotel f ...
We alert you today of a single mother of three abandoned by the father of her children. She has been working to make ends meet as a maid at a hotel. She lost her job when she was forced to bring her 5-year-old child to work because of childcare complications. She was told it was permitted but then received a complaint that went all the way up to the corporate office, and as a r ...