We alert you today to a single mother that is working through severe trials in her life. We have been able to address many of her needs, and she is doing an excellent job putting one foot in front of the other and making the next right choice. She is working full time, has secured housing, and is connecting with our local church partner at their service on Sundays. As you know, ...
We alert you today to a 61-year-old woman that is suffering from stage four kidney failure as well as congestive heart failure. She is a grandmother to seven grandkids and a faithful member of one of our local church partners. Due to her illness, she is living on a fixed income at the moment although she has worked all of her life. She is being treated for the kidney and heart ...
We alert you today to a young woman that lived for one year in New York City pursuing her dream of performing arts. Not long after her arrival in New York, she developed a polyp on her vocal chord that would require surgery for her to continue to pursue her dream. She did not have insurance and therefore could not afford the surgery. She realized after a few months that she wa ...
We alert you today to a 58-year-old single man that is battling tongue cancer. At the beginning of this year, he underwent seven weeks of radiation and chemotherapy. He also had to have a tracheotomy because the tumors were so big that he could no longer breathe on his own. The radiation to kill the cancer cells also damaged one of his carotid arteries. The damage required him ...
We alert you today to a cancer survivor that needs to keep her health insurance. She was first diagnosed with breast cancer ten years ago and was treated and went into remission. Three years ago cancer returned, and she underwent a total mastectomy. As a result of her illness, her health insurance is critical but also very expensive. She has recently lost her employment but has ...
We alert you today to a single mother of three that totaled her car last week. She was injured and missed a week of work. She also incurred several expenses securing a new car. She is back to work but is short on her rent by $350. She newly connected to our local church partner, and we want to help her through this hardship. ...