If you have been receiving Need Alerts from us for very long, you will notice the title of this need is a little different. We do not typically label the person in need with an identifier. However, this one is a bit different because we anticipate walking alongside this man, through our local church partner, for at least one more Need Alert, maybe two. To help you connect the d ...
We alert you today of a single mother of a 10-year-old boy that needs help paying her February rent. She lost her employment in early January and has not been able to secure employment until this week. She starts her new job on Monday, and although it has been a tough six weeks, this change looks like it will end up being a positive change for her and her son. We are working cl ...
We alert you today of a single mother, with a 6-month-old baby, that needs help. We have been working closely with her through our local church partner. After being in and out of homelessness, she gained employment through one of our employment area experts and also secured stable housing. A few weeks ago she was laid off due to budget cuts. The company that laid her off helped ...
We alert you today of a 54-year-old single woman in need. In 2008 she was diagnosed with Graves' disease and the illness caused her to have her thyroid removed. During this time her husband abandoned her and then left the country. She was offered full social security disability by the government, but refused to accept it and instead secured two jobs to make ends meet. She is a ...
The 82-year-old mother fell and broke her hip at her home in Salt Lake City, Utah. Her daughter immediately made the trip from Atlanta to Utah to be there for her and help her get treatment. While there she realized that her mother would not be able to stay on her own any longer and she began making plans on how to care for her mother. It became clear that to be her mother's fu ...
We alert you today of a single mother of two children in need of a car repair. She relies on her car for work and to care for her father that is suffering from cancer. The rear brakes are entirely shot, and the car is undrivable as a result. She has fifty dollars to her name right now and needs the car repaired so she can get back to work and earn a living. We would like to hel ...