December 2022

December 2022

Please pray for the following people in need…

Charlie – His 16-year-old daughter has had multiple spinal surgeries over the past few years. Pray for her recovery and for the family.

Veronica – She is not functioning very well and has not worked in several years. Pray that she will move forward in her life, taking one day at time.

Ashley – She and her husband need to find work. They are also struggling with addiction issues.

Ailun – He immigrated to America several years ago. He is working to get out of financial problems. A friend from his church is walking with him. Pray that he works his way out of debt and continues to receive wise counsel from his friend.

Mary – This is a family of eight struggling to make ends meet on the husband’s income (mechanic). She was forced to quit her job two years ago after maternity leave when they discovered their daughter’s auto-immune disorder. Pray that our local church partner embraces them. They need to experience the love of Jesus expressed through the body of Christ.

Candace – Pray for her pregnancy and continued commitment by the baby’s father, leading to a healthy marriage.

Jennifer – Pray that her recent interview leads to a job. Also pray for healing and protection over her and her children who are recovering from a history of domestic violence.

Gene – Pray for their family as they work to come out of homelessness.

Chayne – She is overwhelmed with the expenses from her father’s death, caring for her grieving mother, and her own personal health issues. The stress and trauma are heavy right now. She needs peace with this major life transition and faith that all will work out well.

Rama – Pray that she has the courage to visit her local church. She needs to find community and decide to follow Jesus.

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