Need 23.95 – 73-Year-Old Father Needs ADA Accessible Bathroom
We alert you today to a dedicated 73-year-old husband and father in need. He was born with a club foot and worked in the roofing business most of his life. As he aged, he could no longer access roofs and became a stay-at-home father caring for his children. In 2011, he broke his disabled leg. Eventually, he had to have an amputation at the knee in 2020. We are working with his daughter on this need. She told us, “He made it seem like it was nothing. I have never heard him complain my whole life.” After learning he had difficulty accessing and using the bathroom and realizing he would never ask for help, she contacted one of our church partners.
He needs an ADA-accessible bathroom, and the family cannot afford the construction cost. The lowest quote from a trusted contractor is $6,500. Although this is a significant need, I never want to stand in the way of how the Lord moves in the hearts of those who want to love others. He can do more than we can even ask or imagine! Please take a moment to pray for this need, share it with others, and give if you feel led.
raised of a $6,500.00 goal