Need 24.43 – Family of 5 Has Two Children in ICU At Same Time

We alert you today to a family that has had two of their children in the hospital ICU at the same time for different reasons. Last month, their son broke his leg. The injury caused life-threatening bleeding in his lungs. He was placed in the hospital ICU, where he would spend the next 37 days. During that time, their youngest child contracted a respiratory virus and was placed in the ICU just a few doors down from her brother. Adding to the trial, the father contracted the same virus that developed into pneumonia, and he was forced out of work for several weeks. Their home and car are paid off, but they have put utilities and other expenses on credit cards to make ends meet. They are on the road to recovery physically and financially but need a little help paying for food and one utility bill for this month. We want to help them with $800 for food and a utility payment this month.






raised of a $800.00 goal