Need 24.64 – Resilient Mom Sees the Light at the End of Financial Struggle

We alert you today of a resilient single mom and her college-age daughter. The mom was laid off in January without a severance but began working full-time with a legal firm in May. Her daughter is in college and is also working to pay all of her bills. She has been able to share some of her pay with her mom when she has had extra. The almost four months the mom was out of work set them back, and they have been struggling all year to get back on track, paying a lot of additional funds for late fees. The mom has now been employed for several months, is thriving in her job, and will be stable moving forward. However, she is financially trapped due to late car and utility payments. We want to give her the $2,000 she needs to cover the late car payments and utility bills. We feel confident she will be self-sustaining going forward with this financial support at the end of her struggle.






raised of a $2,000.00 goal