Need 25.13 – 41-Year-Old Mother Battling Illness
We alert you today to a 41-year-old single mother (11,18,22) who has been battling illness. She has a long history of providing for herself and her children by working as a general manager for a major restaurant brand. Last year, doctors diagnosed her with two different types of Lupus. She continued to work full-time until two months ago when she was hospitalized for end-stage renal failure and congestive heart failure stemming from Lupus. She flat-lined multiple times in the hospital, and doctors were able to resuscitate her. Due to her lengthy medical leave, her employer was forced to hire another manager in her place. However, she secured a general manager position with another brand and left the recovery facility against medical advice so that she could work. She told me, “I can’t stay in recovery; I will lose everything.” She does have family in a neighboring state but is trying to reach the end of the school year for her 18-year-old son. He is a senior in high school and has a scholarship to play football at the University of Alabama. She is battling to hold on and send him off to college this summer before making any long-term moves with her 11-year-old, who will have more time to adjust before finishing school. She is answering eviction papers in court tomorrow, and she will have 7-10 days to pay $3,000 to prevent her eviction. We want to pay her back rent and help her as she continues to fight through this illness and make new living arrangements.
raised of a $3,000.00 goal