My Gift Is No Good.

My Gift Is No Good.

I have friend that is really good about thinking of others and buying gifts for them. Her gifts are always on point. My wife has been on the receiving end of these gifts and she is always beyond touched by them. It means so much to be thought about and have a small representation of value assigned to that thought. It really is something that not everybody is good at doing… myself being one of them!

So the other night, this friend let us in on her thoughts. She tearily told us about how she compares herself to others who she views as champions of selflessness. She gave the example of how “easy” it is to think of someone and buy and gift for them but how hard it is to other things she viewed as more important. It was so awesome to be there to witness in her explanation of these fears and comparisons and be a part of helping, all of us, see what God wants us to understand.

In Romans 12:1 we are called to be “living sacrifices”. Yeah…that’s great…so what does that mean? Fortunately Paul does not leave us hanging. He tells us exactly what it means and how to do it!

A few verses down in verse 6,  Paul tells us that we are all given gifts according to the grace given to each us and we should exercise them! Then he tells us that while we are using our gift to glorify God, we need to let our love be genuine.

We all get caught in the comparison game. It is easy to look at your pastor or that friend that prays all night or whatever and think that what comes easy to you is not beneficial. Remember that Paul tells us that as part of the “body” there are many members and not all have the same functions.

Today, use your gift/strength. Do not allow the enemy to engage you in the comparison game. Remember, none of us are “worthy”, not even your friend that prays all night. We, however, are adopted sons and daughters and have been GIVEN the privilege to serve our Lord in the gifts He has given to us according to the grace He has shown us!

Soli Deo Gloria

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