We alert you today of a young couple that is struggling just after having their first child. The mother was in a high risk pregnancy and was on bed rest for several months. The baby is now 13 days old and doing great. However, her inability to work has put these new parents in a serious situation and they are close to being evicted from their apartment. The husb ...
We alert you today of a woman that has fled from her abuser. The father of her two children, 5 year old son and 3 year old daughter, had been physically abusing her for several years. She tried to make it work, but after several incidents in which she needed the police to protect her, she made the decision to leave.
She has been connected to the local church ...
We hope your Monday is off to a great start!
We alert you today of a school teacher that is in need of some financial help. Several years ago she attended an outreach event at one of our local church partners. At that event, she gave her life to Christ and has been connecting with and serving the local church ever since.
This summer she had the opportunity ...
I want to tell you up front that this Need Alert is a pretty big one. It will take all of us to meet this need, and if we are able, together we will provide some much needed financial relief for this family.
In November of last year this family gave birth to their third child. The child was born with something called 18p Deletion Syndrome. This is very rare a ...
We alert you today of a woman who has dedicated her career to social work. However, she lost her job a few months ago and has been making ends meet with her savings. She has finally found full-time employment again in social work and will be working again next week.
The issue is that she is completely out of savings and has no way to pay her rent. The last th ...
Ok... so we don't normally have two Need Alerts in the same day, but today we do!
We alert you for a second time today because a 32 year old recovering addict that we are working with needs a little help.
As a result of his addiction, he lost his wife. He took action and moved moved out-of-state to stay with extended family in an effort to get clean. He ha ...