
Single Woman in Need after Emergency Surgery: Need 15.1 = Met

STATUS = 11 Deeders responded from 11 different local churches and raised $810.00 - The money has been given to the local church partner and they are reaching out to her to connect. (updated 7:07am 1.9.2015) Story Happy 2015!  We hope you had a great Christmas and New Year! Who would like to be involved in the first Need Alert of 201 ...

Last Minute Christmas Help: Need 14.60 = Met

STATUS: 5 Deeders have responded and we raised $270 (updated 11:22am EST) Story We alert you this morning of a last minute Christmas need.  As an organization we decided that we would not be able to send out need alerts individually due to the sheer volume of Christmas needs.  That is why through prayer we d ...

Mother Needs Supervised Christmas Visit : Need 14.59 = Met

STATUS: Met - 2 Deeders Responded and we raised $120.   Good Afternoon.This need, like all needs we alert you of, originated at a local church and the relief will be delivered by members of that local church.  The goal for providing this resource is to create an opportunity for a conversation and hopefully a relationship with this mother.  Your contribution will provide ...

Single Mom’s Fresh Start: Need 14.58 = Met

STATUS: Met - 2 Deeders donated a living room suite and a bed for the son.  Our church partner delivered the items on 12/18. Good morning, We trust you are well and enjoying the Christmas season.  We were connected with a single Mom who has recently relocated to Georgia and is needing some final assistance getting established. ...


STATUS: 8 Deeders have responded and been connected to a families in need in their community (updated 12.15.2014 - 11:31pm) Story We are excited to alert you today about our Christmas matching event! Before we explain the details of this event we would like to take this opportunity to explain our philosophy on providing benevolence, incl ...

Widow Needs a Hand Up: Need 14.56 = Met

STATUS: 8 Deeders have responded and we have collected the entire amount. (updated 12.4.2014 - 11:10am) Story Good afternoon!  We alert you today of a widow in need.  As with all of our Need Alerts, this need originated through one of our church partners.  If God moves through you and the other Deeders of One Need to provid ...