We alert you today to a mother of two forced from her home. She and her husband have been married for eight years, and they have two children together ages 7 and 3. The husband/father is using methamphetamine, abusing alcohol, and has been unfaithful to his wife. To protect her children, she left home with the children two weeks ago. A judge granted her full temporary custody of the c ...
We alert you to an 80-year-old man that is in need due to his part-time work shutting down for COVID-19. He has spent 45 years providing for himself and his family tuning industrial boiler and furnaces. He was laid off four years ago and has continued to provide for himself by working part-time jobs and combining that income with his social security. Due to the COVID-19 shutdown, he h ...
We alert you to a single mother (kids 12,8) that works full-time as a nurse in a hospital. As a result of the COVID-19 shutdown, she was laid off in March because there were very few patients in the hospital. The hospital did not file for unemployment benefits for her and the other employees until mid-June. Therefore, she has only gotten a one-time stimulus check. She is now back to w ...
We alert you this morning to a 35-year-old single woman that has been in recovery for eighteen months. She has no family and had a tough childhood that included her using drugs and alcohol since the age of nine. She has completed an intensive treatment program and has worked full-time for over a year. Recently she was laid off due to business being slow at her gas station. She immedia ...
We alert you today to a single mother that lost her son to a drug overdose. He was just 26-year-old, and she was unaware of any drug-related problems before his death. Tragically, she also lost her 21-year-old daughter nine years ago. She has one surviving child. She has been out of work due to the pandemic and is back at work now. However, she is unable to pay for the funeral expense ...
We alert you to a woman that is caring for her husband that is suffering from dementia. He is in the advanced stages, and she has been his primary care provider for the past seven years while working full-time to provide for her and her husband. She does have some family support, but they are not capable of helping financially with this need. Her check engine light came on in her 2011 ...