
Need 20.39 – 37 Days In ICU With COVID-19 Virus

raised of a $3,200.00 goal
We alert you today to a family of four that's husband/dad spent 37 days in ICU after contracting the COVIID-19 virus. He is now home and recovering but will not be able to return to work until August. The wife is back to work, and each of the teenage children is working full-time. He is getting short-term disability, but it is not enough for them to cover their regular monthly bills. ...

Need 20.38 – Burial Expenses For Her Father Made Single Women Short On Her Rent

raised of a $1,050.00 goal
We alert you to a single woman that buried her father last week. She incurred $1,700 in burial expenses. She works full-time in a hospital, and due to the COVID Shutdown, they have reduced her hours over the past few months because the hospital census is low.  Her regular 40 hours per week paycheck shrank to 30 hours in some weeks, even as little as 20 hours in other weeks. She has re ...

Need 20.37 – Single Mother of 3 Needs Help Leaving Live-In Relationship

raised of a $2,098.00 goal
We alert you today to a single mother of three (13, 7, 4) that needs help leaving a relatively longstanding live-in relationship with her boyfriend. Over the past several years, she has become more and more involved in her local church. As a result, she is growing spiritually and realizing the relationship she is in, and its structure, is not healthy for her or her children. She has b ...

Need 20.36 – 22-Year-Old Needs Support For InPatient Eating Disorder Treatment

raised of a $1,800.00 goal
We alert you today to a 22-year-old young woman that needs some support so that she can enter inpatient treatment for her eating disorder. She works two part-time jobs and is very involved in her local theater. She also spends a great deal of time working with the children's program at her local church. We have been tracking with her as she has undergone six intensive counseling sessi ...

Need 20.35 – Nursing Home Worker Out Of Work After Contracting COVID-19

raised of a $900.00 goal
We alert you to a family in need because the mother contracted COVID-19 while working at a nursing home. The father and two sons do work, but their jobs were not considered essential, and they lost their ability to work for over a month. They were making ends meet with the mother's pay, but that went away when she contracted the virus. The father and sons are now back to work, but the ...

Need 20.34 – Four Foster Children Need Computers for School Work

raised of a $1,880.00 goal
We are working to support a family that cares for four foster children (all boys). The kids are currently out of school due to the COVID-19 shut down and will be continuing online education through the summer. They were given a used Google Chromebook for them all to share. We want to get them each a Google Chromebook for their schoolwork. They are also in need of some clothing. I feel ...