Family Set Back By Injury: Need 15.37 = Met

STATUS = 24 Deeders have responded and donated $1,215. We have transferred the funds to the local church partner to apply relief. 

(updated on 6.17.15 @3:20 pm)


Good Morning.

We alert you today of a family of 5 that has faithfully served others through their local church and now finds themselves in need.

The father is a warehouse forklift driver and a dedicated worker. Six weeks ago the family got the opportunity to go roller skating together…do you see where this is going? So after a lot of fun together they were about to wrap it up and call it a day. Then the father slipped and broke his ankle in three places. And just like that, their trials began. The break required surgery and after screws and plates were placed in his ankle he began the recovery process.

The mother has been with the same company for 10 years and works 40-50 hours per week. She is a hard working mom and now, with her husband immobile, she has really been having to carry the load.

This injury cut their income in half and although his job is waiting on him when he returns, he is not receiving any pay until he gets back to work. The doctors think he can go back to work in 4-5 weeks max. We feel confident that this family will be back on track as soon as he gets back to work.

They have burned through their savings account and are down to their last dollars. They are short on their mortgage and utilities for this month and need help to get through this trail.

We would like to come alongside this family and give them a hand up. We want to pay their mortgage and gas bill for the month.


Mortgage – $1,170

Gas Bill – $45

Total Need = $1,215

How To Help

1.) Take a second and pray for this Need Alert and every Deeder that is receiving it.

2.) Make donation below.

*As always 100% of your donation is tax deductible and 100% of your money, less the PayPal fees, will be applied to this specific need. You should also know that the relief will be delivered by the local church partner, not One Need.

All Need Alerts are prayed over and fully reviewed before you receive them. When you see a Need Alert from One Need we want you to have confidence that we are providing relief to a person with a real need. Furthermore, you should know that every need originates with a local church partner. Less than 5% of the Needs we work with become Need Alerts. You can feel confident that when you receive a Need Alert, like this one, that we have dug in and worked with the local church partner and the person in need. We know these people, their backgrounds, and have others that confirm these needs.
If you have any questions please email Rodney McClure at

In Christ,

Rodney & The One Need Team

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