
Need 23.42 – Family of 4 With Mother 38 Weeks Pregnant Suffers Chemical Poisoning

raised of a $2,900.00 goal
We alert you to a family of four with two kids (4, 2) that suffered chemical poisoning in their rental unit over Memorial Day weekend. The mother is currently 38 weeks pregnant. The entire family began coughing violently and vomiting blood. The cause was unknown but thought to be freon poisoning. They we forced to leave their home and go to a hotel. They also learned about neighbors w ...

Need 23.41 – 35-Year-Old Single Father Needs Help

raised of a $1,300.00 goal
We alert your today to a very hard-working single father of one son, age 11, who needs help. He has a consistent track record of providing for himself and his son by working two jobs. His primary employment has been as a forklift driver on a machine line. He supplements his income by working a second job at a car wash near their home at night and on the weekends. Two months ago, th ...

Need 23.40 – Hard-Working Single Mother Of 3 In Need

raised of a $2,300.00 goal
We alert you today to a hard-working single mother of three children (15, 10, and 7) who is in need. She works 45-50 hours per week in a warehouse and can typically provide for herself and her children. Recently, the home that she is renting failed an inspection. Rather than pay for repairs, the landlord has decided not to continue renting the house. She is now forced to move and does ...

Need 23.39 – Single Mother Of Two Special Needs Children Needs Help

raised of a $1,600.00 goal
We alert you today to a single mother of two special needs children. She does not receive help from her extended family and has no support from the children's father. She has stable employment and a consistent track record of providing for her family. Recently, after her uncle passed away, her mom asked her to help pay for funeral expenses. She didn't hesitate to contribute. She then ...

Need 23.38 – Single Mother Lost Her Father

raised of a $2,900.00 goal
We alert you today to a single mother who recently lost her father. She works for her county school system as a paraprofessional and is in her last year of earning a bachelor's degree in early childhood education. She has a long track record of providing for herself and her child. About 18 months ago, she became the sole caretaker for her father, who was very ill. As his health declin ...

Need 23.37 – Single Mother’s 4-Year-Old Child On Feeding Tube

raised of a $1,350.00 goal
We alert you today to a single mother who has been caring for her ailing 4-year-old son. At the end of April, he started vomiting and running a fever. Doctors diagnosed him with a virus and told her to treat the symptoms, which she did for the next two weeks. When he did not improve, she took him back to urgent care, and he was admitted to the hospital. He was suffering from post-vira ...