We alert you today to a 32-year-old single mother of a 13-year-old boy that needs help. She had her child at a young age, and she did not marry the father. However, the father remained in the boy's life and helped support her and the child. In November of 2020, the father passed away from liver cancer at the age of 33. In December, her employer began cutting her hours due to COVID shu ...
I am sure you understand and have experienced it but helping those in need can be messy. The best plans can sometimes get derailed. Well, this is the case for this need. We alerted you to this need last September. It was Need Alert 20.57, and I am going to copy the original Need Alert below. The issue is that we raised $4,800 total and $4,100 to save her home. Our local church partner ...
Today, we alert you to a 22-year-old young woman working to recover from the impact of COVID and the shutdowns. As we have said before, we have witnessed firsthand how the labor market's hourly and lower-level workers have been hit the hardest. She lost her retail job during the shutdown and got unemployment. She went back to work and contracted COVID-19. She has underlying conditions ...
We alert you to a 56-year-old man laid off from his security guard position at a local hospital in October. His hours were gradually reduced during the COVID-19 shut down due to the hospital's slowed elective surgeries and procedures. In October, they laid him off permanently. He has a strong work history and has spent his days doing odd jobs trying to make ends meet. He is hopeful th ...
We alert you today to a hard-working man with special needs that is living independently. He works full-time doing warehouse work and has a strong work history. He is also an active member of his local church. As a result of the COVID-19 shutdowns, his hours have been reduced for the past several months. He is working every hour available to him, but he has gotten behind on his bills ...
Today, we alert you to a family that has been hit from all angles in the past eight weeks. The parents both have a strong work history. She works in the finance department of a local hospital, and he is an IT Contractor on a military base. In early December, she was laid off from the hospital because of the severe decline in elective surgeries due to COVID-19. She still has not gotten ...