
Need 20.45 – Young Family In Need

raised of a $2,410.00 goal
We alert you today to a young family that needs help. The couple was married early last year. As a result of medical issues from earlier in her life, the wife was told she would never conceive a child. Two months into the marriage, she was pregnant with their first child, praise God! She is a Type 1 Diabetic and spent the last six weeks of her pregnancy on bed rest due to complication ...

Need 20.44 – Bike Accident Paralyzes 15-year-old Child

raised of a $3,845.00 goal
We alert you to a family in need after their 15-year-old son suffered a spinal injury leaving him paralyzed from the neck down. Last year he was performing a bike trick that he had done many times when he fell and broke his C3 through C7, shattering his C5. He underwent three spinal surgeries and completed a therapy plan at Shepard Center in Atlanta, Georgia. He is now home, and the f ...

Need 20.43 – Nursing Student In Need Of Help

raised of a $1,350.00 goal
We alert you to a single mother that is a nursing student and needs help. She has been in nursing school for six months and is looking at two more years to become a Registered Nurse. She has seen real suffering in her life and is working very hard to advance herself. She works cleaning houses to provide for herself and her child while in school. The COVID-19 shutdown has decimated her ...

Need 20.42 – Widow In Need Of Home Repairs

raised of a $1,500.00 goal
We alert you today to a widow that is need of home repairs. She lost her husband in late 2017 and has been a faithful member of our local church partner for 14 years. Her husband served as an elder before he passed away. She does have a son, but he is incapable of helping her, and she is on a limited and fixed income. Problem: Basement/garage wall cracking, leaking, starting to shi ...

Need 20.41 – Ghanaian Doctoral Student In Need

raised of a $8,814.00 goal
We alert you to a Ghanaian couple who have come to the United States for the husband to complete a Doctor of Theology degree and return to Ghana to train the next generation of African pastors. They have lived in The United States for about four years. Having completed his master's degree, he is now in a doctoral program. They are also a part of the membership of one of our local chur ...

Need 20.40 – Air Force Veteran Forced To Move Due To COVID-19 Shutdown

raised of a $1,000.00 goal
We alert you to an Air Force veteran that is being forced to move due to the COVID-19 shutdown. He has been living with a roommate that owns the property, and he pays the roommate rent. It was an affordable place to live while he grew his small business. As a result of the shutdown, the roommate/property owner is moving his family into the property. This development means there will b ...